Mariana & Santiago
She is from Venezuela and he is from Ecuador. They live in New York and they chose Argentina to get married: they wanted to give their foreign friends the experience, show them the traditions and a taste of the local food.
The guests were welcomed with a cocktail at the Four Seasons on the first day. Most of them were coming from Europe and United States.
The following day, they were all invited to spend a day in Capilla del Señor, where they enjoyed an exquisite Argentinian barbecue and horses’ dressage.

After two days of celebration, the most important day arrived. The wedding took place in Ocampo Village, UNESCO heritage site, where a tent was set up to receive all their guests.
The bride went to the church accompanied by her father in a very original way, riding a sidecar bike.

The DJ came from Miami to perform for them all night and gave them a chance to dancenon-stop until the end of the party.